What exactly does a seller's conveyancer do? Three things; Number one, draft the contract and make sure that it fits your particular intended purpose. It's not just about selling the property, it's about tying the buyer down. Number two, the exchange process. Now, in New South Wales, the exchange process can be done by the selling agent or the seller solicitor. Really depends on what it is that's happening and how much depth is required. We, conveyances solicitors are able to do the exchange process in the right way, without hassle.
Number three, the conveyance. The conveyance is really just to put the buyer's name on the title and get you the money that you wanted on settlement. Doing it in a stress-free manner, doing it in an efficient manner, doing it in a way that makes you feel at ease is what we do. Work with us, you won't regret it.
New South Wales Head Office
Level 36, Governor Phillip
Tower, 1 Farrer Pl, Sydney
NSW 2000, Australia